Out Side the Classroom

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two More for The Roll

Chicago Teachers May Strike, Teach Political Lesson is a new blog that made me just keep reading. I found this blog very interesting because I myself want to be a special ed. teacher and I need to be aware of what is happening in other states. Many states look at each others plans for education and try to mimic them. If I want to get a job that is out of state then I need to stay updated on their education system. This blog informs me what is new and old in special education today. This post informed me that in Chicago, teachers are willing to walk out the doors and go on strike for better pay. I need to know what happens during a strike incase my school that I teach at ever decides to go on strike.

Another blog that caught my attention was Preparing to enter Preschool Special Education: The Results/Report of the assessment. This blog talks about how a particular teacher works with a little girl named Ellie. In this blog Anna talks about the process in which it takes to get a special ed child reading for preschool. I myself know a little something about preschools since my mom works at one. This caught my intrest not because I want to teach preschool, but how there are many processes in which a child goes through so he/she can recieve the proper instrcution.  As a special ed. teacher, I will have to help with writing up a child's IEP plan, so that they recieve education in the less restricitive enviroment.


  1. I also like the second blog that you posted about. Having received special education myself, i agree that there are many processes in which a child has to go through to receive the right instruction( you may want to edit that spelling mistake, before he grades this blog post). On another note, i love how you are so passionate about special education.

  2. Interesting blogs. Well written and informative.

  3. Both of the blogs that you talked about seemed very informative and interesting.

  4. I enjoyed the two blogs that were posted. They gave some insight to both how a school system works and also some things we can expect from working in a school.

  5. Very good choice of blogs. Super informative. great job!

  6. I like how you incorporated your major to the blogs you picked. Great job! I love the little girl.
