Out Side the Classroom

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I wanted to do my blog a little differet this time. Let me know if you like. Instead of starting with my topic, I am going to show you three things that relate to this topic Mr. Smith brought about in my SEDU 183 class. I was excited to do this blog because I have used tools in College that helped me perpare for test, that were totally free and I want to share them with you.

The first tool that I would use in my classrooms, if I were an Early Childhood  teacher, would be purchasing a few LeapPAD2.  This sounds expensive RIGHT, Worng.  The money we spend on textbooks costs more than a leappad2 does; if you contact the company they send coupons for their merchandise. I also know of a few organizations that donate these tools to classsrooms. I never buy anything unless it is on sale or I can get a coupon for it.  Another great thing about today is PRICE CHECK, which every store is doing these days, so these LeapPAD2 would be an inexpensive tool to use in the classroom.

The second tool that I use for my geography class; inorder to, perpare for map tests is USA Geography-Map Game. This gives me so many was to perpare for my map test. I can start out easy and work up to harder quizes. I am able to learn the spelling of the state of country, and then learn where they are loacted on the map. The great thing about this website is a 1st grader could use it. My little cousin told me about this website, because he used it in school.

The third tool that I would use is FLASH CARD MACHINE, it is very simple to use and it helps me perpare for my test. I started using this in my high school English class; I had so many things to remember, and flash cards start to cost a lot; plus I like to be eco friendly. I use this now in college because it can go anywhere with me. I can study for a test while waiting for my classes to start. I can access Flash Card Machine from any computer, and it will hold my information untill it is no longer needed; therefore, I can keep the information and then use it for my finals later on in the school year.

You might ask wow this is amazing, but what does this have to do with teaching? Who actually uses these things?  According to an artcile my professor, in my SEDU 183 class, wanted us to read many universities are catching on to this new fab. Universities are using a website called OER; OpenCourseWare project. It was created by MIT. The neat thing about this OER is students can access this at anytime and they are able to download materials for any class at MIT. The answer to the question "what does this have to do with teaching," is also in this article. If you are like me and don't want to read to find the answer, here it is. Many believe that this OER is the gateway for greater education. They believe that every book and materials that are needed for class will eventual end up on the internet for a low cost.

Here is a website that can help any teacher or student find resources on the internet, CLICK ME! I was thinking about math, and how no one really enjoys it or understands it. For me, well I like math if I am able to relate it to relife situations. I had a math teacher in high school that would always relate math to the real world; that helped me out tremendously. Here is a cool website that I found that relates math to the real world, CLICK ME!

In my GEOG 101 class I watched a video that talked about Portland, Oregon.  This city uses new technology; inorder to, keep their city clean and safe. They have apps that people can locate where a bus is at, and what time it will arrive at their stop.  The also have an app where people can report a crime; all the person needs to do is take a picture and press send on the app. The picture is then sent to the police and the cordinates are sent as well, so the police know what to look for and where to look at. They even created a website, so that every one knows what is going on in the city. Click here, and you will see! This website helps me better understand what Portland's city is doing, CLICK ME.

I found another article that really intrest me, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time. I love music and this article really spoke to me. You can actually watch videos where they explain music. This one by far is my favorite. Here is the link to the VIDEO.

Today is a cut throart world that we live in and we all have to perpare ourselves for what is coming. As a teacher I need to be perpared and imformed about anything that can help me be a better teacher. That means learning new technoliges and using them in my classroom.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Teaching Channel

Hey check out this cool video that I found on TeachingChannel.org, click on me! Also check out this cool video, Click here! I found these videos very interesting and can't wait to do some of these activities in my classroom. 
This is a photo from mingle and count; one of the videos from teachingchannel.org, that I thought was pretty cool. The kids are doing math problems with the whole class, and the only tool that they are using is their bodies and their brain. For example the teacher will say okay guys we have 20 students today and I want five groups of four. The student's will get into five groups of four. What the student's don't know is that they are learning their multiplication facts. You can find all of these neat, new, and creative ideas at, teaching channel.org! Go learn something new today, so that you can be a better teacher tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Flipped Learning


What is flipped learning, and how can it benefit us? Is it easy to use? Is everyone able to use it? Who will be affected by flipped learning? In TED-ED there is a lot of ways teachers can use flipped learning. What I read in TED was very interesting to me. I learned that flipped learning is for teachers to teach the lesson outside of school and to learn and do homework inside of school.

I found this amazing, because I know from personal experience that some of my homework I did was too hard and I couldn't do it.  My parents weren't helpful because they were always at work. With flipped learning we will be able to show children and parents the lesson and be able to work on it in school to further explain and to show more examples on how to do the lesson. Are you still confused on what flipped learning is, well here is the jiff of it. Flipped learning is showing your lesson on a podcast, articles, and youtube video, that the student will do at home.  Then when the student comes to class the next day the teacher can see who understood the lesson and who needs more time or more examples.  This leaves more time in the classroom to do work instead of teaching the subject and helping them learn it.

There are many pros about flipped learning. Bill Nye the science guy goes on about flipped learning. bill talks about a program that uses flipped learning that teachers and school districts can use. Check out Flipped Sophia. I know this sounds great and your probably thinking who actually can use this. Well Crystal Kirch, of Sagerstorm uses this method of teaching and raves about it. If you are wondering where I learned all of this information you can't check out this website, Flipped Learning Turning Learning on its Head.

Here is another great website that can further explain flipped learning and how it helps in the classroom, click on me! This website goes on how flipped learning helps with collaboration in the classroom, and giving teachers the tools to give their knowledge on topics in a different, fun, and creative way.

I know I have talked about the great advantages of having flipped learning in schools, but what are the disadvantages of flipped learning? As soon as I started reading all of these articles, all I could think about are the poor school districts that can't afford the technologies that other school districts can.  In my SEDU 183 class Professor Smith showed me a very interesting video about Erie County School district. After watching this video, I really started to think about the downside of Flipped Learning.
After Pondering at this idea that not every school could use this, I found this great website that talks about the disadvantages of Flipped Learning, Check it out! This website helps support my way of thinking.

I was wondering how could poorer school districts afford this flipped learning. I further looked into grant funding for technology. Many schools qualify for grants, that can help them  get newer technology into their schools and homes of children that are living in poverty. I found this website that teachers or school administrators can use. They can file for grant assistance that will help aid for technology in their schools. Teachers and Administrators can apply right online. It's as easy as 1,2,3.
I believe that flipped learning is a great way to expand our resources, and in my SEDU 183 we use this method a lot. I would try to use this as a tool to teacher but I won't always use it. I have many ways that I want to teach and I know that not every idea will work with my students, but not to throw those ideas away because it may work next year with a new set of children. I will try this way of teaching, but I know that it may not work every year with my students so I need to know many ways of teaching so that my students will always get a quality education.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Experiencing Group

The first thing I would like to say is that everyone did a great job, but there were some things that needed to be fixed so that when we all become teachers our students will not "eat us alive." This video shows some great examples.

I have been performing for many years; as a child my parents had me signed up for plays and musicals at our local theatre. Theatre is where I learned to thrive in front of an audience. I also was in choir from 5th grade until my senior year, and I performed my piano skills since 1st grade. I am not bragging, just giving my background knowledge to help those who need to sharpen their skills.

Here are some guidelines I find helpful.

1.) Always be confident and stand tall

2.) Know what you are presenting and do it well

* this means practice it until it flows*

3.) Never fidget, but use your hands to help guide your presentation

4.) Make eye contact and project to your audience

5.) Wear clothes that are comfortable, and shoes that you are able to stand in

*if you are not comfortable then neither is your audience*

These five tips will help you present more clearly.

I know that seems really harsh but many of us haven't performed in front of thousands of people, so we are unsure of how to speak and act. We talk about code switching in my early childhood class, but as teachers we will also have to code switch as well; we will have to use our "teacher talk" and our "outside the classroom talk." As educators we need to learn how to do this before we ever step foot into the classroom.

I really enjoyed working with my group members; I felt that we had a dynamic group of people who were ready for this project. I loved how we were all on the same page the whole way through this journey. Everyone knew what we were doing and did it very well. Our ideas flowed well together and our presentation benefited from the group's hard work ethic.

Joining groups at first is always scary; you never know how well your members are going to work. I was a little worried at first, but once we started talking, our ideas started to flow very well. I know that we put a lot of hard work into this paper and presentation, so in the end it was all worth it. Overall, everyone's presentations came together at the end. I enjoyed this process and now have a better understanding of collaboration.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

PowerPoint Ungh

Upon starting this PowerPoint project I thought "oh boy, here we go agian, when will my professors understand that we already know how to do this stuff." So, class started and Mr. Smith started to show us things I already knew, and then he started showing us how to hide slides and how to hyperlink our slides. This sparked and intrest in me and I was starting to like this project. I was able to upload a video on to my powerpoint. As of the hyperlinking it was a mess for the first two days, but I got a hang of it and my presentation ran smoothly. I thought in the past that I would never use powerpoint unless it was required in my classes, but now since I have learn more ways to use it;I may use PowerPoint as a tool for teaching.

We were asked to come up with a lesson plan with objectives. My objective was to teach my 5th grade Special Ed. students about synonyms and antonyms. I created my narravtive that explained how I would do this, and then moved on to my PowerPoint. While I was doing my PowerPoint I was getting fustrated because I could get slides to link to eachother, but I later found out that it was the computer I was on. If you are wondering what hyperlinking is check out this website Hyper Linking 101.

I have always been a good preformer, since I was a child I have been acting in plays, musicals, and short skits. I have always been comfortable infront of an audience, but sometimes infront of a small group I get super nervous, but after presenting my PowerPoint I felt like this little girl. I felt like my PowerPoint was amazing because I really didn't know how to do all the new stuff that Mr. Smith showed us in class. I thought that alot of my classmates PowerPoint's were amazing, I didn't know how to do half the stuff that they did, but I still enjoyed watching them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two More for The Roll

Chicago Teachers May Strike, Teach Political Lesson is a new blog that made me just keep reading. I found this blog very interesting because I myself want to be a special ed. teacher and I need to be aware of what is happening in other states. Many states look at each others plans for education and try to mimic them. If I want to get a job that is out of state then I need to stay updated on their education system. This blog informs me what is new and old in special education today. This post informed me that in Chicago, teachers are willing to walk out the doors and go on strike for better pay. I need to know what happens during a strike incase my school that I teach at ever decides to go on strike.

Another blog that caught my attention was Preparing to enter Preschool Special Education: The Results/Report of the assessment. This blog talks about how a particular teacher works with a little girl named Ellie. In this blog Anna talks about the process in which it takes to get a special ed child reading for preschool. I myself know a little something about preschools since my mom works at one. This caught my intrest not because I want to teach preschool, but how there are many processes in which a child goes through so he/she can recieve the proper instrcution.  As a special ed. teacher, I will have to help with writing up a child's IEP plan, so that they recieve education in the less restricitive enviroment.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

Technology in the classroom can be a great thing but when will enough be enough? Every year money is being spent on upgrading computers in the schools; while other great programs are being cut. At my old school every student has his or her personal laptop, but not every choir member has his or her own robe. My choir has been placing at regionals, and some of our students have gone on to states. Parents spent their own money on fixing robes, paying for hotels, and chipping in for gas money so that our students could arrive to the venue.

I do understand the importance of technology in the classroom, but other programs shouldn't be pushed to the corner for tomorrow's problem. Thomas Jefferson once said "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today". Today's problems will not solve themselves, so as teachers and citizens we need to figure out a way to keep using technology, but not at the cost of other programs.

My senior year in every class I used the laptop, that was provided to me. It was so nice to be able to take my laptop home and do all my homework on it. I was able to complete my senior project and other tasks that needed to be done, with out the hassle of going to the computer room,  carrying a flash drive around, and uploading my stuff to the computer. I do see the great benefits of having technology in the classroom, and how it helps teachers, students, and other faculty work more efficient.

Teachers are using technology in the classrooms every day, especially in special ed. Students with Autism or ADHD have been able to do tasks on the computer better than they can on a sheet of paper. Teachers use white boards to show videos about science projects, and the kids are able to answer the questions from the science video with their Ipads. Teachers are able to see within seconds who understands and who doesn't.

No matter what the issue is there will always be pros and cons. In this case I believe that the cons can be fixed and the pros are something we need to strive from.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Important to Me

My name is Katie, but I prefer Kate. I can't wait to be expanding the minds of children in the classroom. I really want to bring different aspects into the classroom, so that my students are able to get the best of me and never half of me. I believe that teacher should give it their all and never give up on their students. I have learned this from probably one of the best teachers I know, Dolly McMahon. She trys so hard to reach her students, even if they dropped out of high school. This summer she spent her days helping a student pass his keystone state diploma. She did this without any pay, but that didn't stop her from doing what she does best.

I love art in the classroom. Having my students interact with eachother through various way suchas:

Music in the classroom stimulates the brain beyond anything used in a traditional classroom. It brings life into your students and helps them get ready for the day. I will always try to bring music into the classroom every morning, so my studnets know that today is a fresh start!
Art in the classroom helps many students express their knowledge about a topic but in a different way!

Teaching is fun, and professionals should embrace it! Every day brings new experiences to you, and from these experiences we grow into a better person, a better teacher, and a better member of society.