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LeapPAD2 |
The first tool that I would use in my classrooms, if I were an Early Childhood teacher, would be purchasing a few LeapPAD2. This sounds expensive RIGHT, Worng. The money we spend on textbooks costs more than a leappad2 does; if you contact the company they send coupons for their merchandise. I also know of a few organizations that donate these tools to classsrooms. I never buy anything unless it is on sale or I can get a coupon for it. Another great thing about today is PRICE CHECK, which every store is doing these days, so these LeapPAD2 would be an inexpensive tool to use in the classroom.
The second tool that I use for my geography class; inorder to, perpare for map tests is USA Geography-Map Game. This gives me so many was to perpare for my map test. I can start out easy and work up to harder quizes. I am able to learn the spelling of the state of country, and then learn where they are loacted on the map. The great thing about this website is a 1st grader could use it. My little cousin told me about this website, because he used it in school.
The third tool that I would use is FLASH CARD MACHINE, it is very simple to use and it helps me perpare for my test. I started using this in my high school English class; I had so many things to remember, and flash cards start to cost a lot; plus I like to be eco friendly. I use this now in college because it can go anywhere with me. I can study for a test while waiting for my classes to start. I can access Flash Card Machine from any computer, and it will hold my information untill it is no longer needed; therefore, I can keep the information and then use it for my finals later on in the school year.
You might ask wow this is amazing, but what does this have to do with teaching? Who actually uses these things? According to an artcile my professor, in my SEDU 183 class, wanted us to read many universities are catching on to this new fab. Universities are using a website called OER; OpenCourseWare project. It was created by MIT. The neat thing about this OER is students can access this at anytime and they are able to download materials for any class at MIT. The answer to the question "what does this have to do with teaching," is also in this article. If you are like me and don't want to read to find the answer, here it is. Many believe that this OER is the gateway for greater education. They believe that every book and materials that are needed for class will eventual end up on the internet for a low cost.
Here is a website that can help any teacher or student find resources on the internet, CLICK ME! I was thinking about math, and how no one really enjoys it or understands it. For me, well I like math if I am able to relate it to relife situations. I had a math teacher in high school that would always relate math to the real world; that helped me out tremendously. Here is a cool website that I found that relates math to the real world, CLICK ME!
In my GEOG 101 class I watched a video that talked about Portland, Oregon. This city uses new technology; inorder to, keep their city clean and safe. They have apps that people can locate where a bus is at, and what time it will arrive at their stop. The also have an app where people can report a crime; all the person needs to do is take a picture and press send on the app. The picture is then sent to the police and the cordinates are sent as well, so the police know what to look for and where to look at. They even created a website, so that every one knows what is going on in the city. Click here, and you will see! This website helps me better understand what Portland's city is doing, CLICK ME.
I found another article that really intrest me, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time. I love music and this article really spoke to me. You can actually watch videos where they explain music. This one by far is my favorite. Here is the link to the VIDEO.
Today is a cut throart world that we live in and we all have to perpare ourselves for what is coming. As a teacher I need to be perpared and imformed about anything that can help me be a better teacher. That means learning new technoliges and using them in my classroom.